(800) 585-4658

Class Actions

Class action lawsuits are a special type of lawsuit that allows a large group of people with similar claims to come together and seek relief from a wrongdoer. Class action lawsuits allow individuals to pool their resources and present their case in a more efficient manner. Class action lawsuits also send a powerful message to corporate wrongdoers that their actions will not go unchallenged. The attorneys at Leeds Brown Law, P.C. have extensive experience litigating class action lawsuits on behalf of our clients. We have obtained favorable verdicts and settlements in class action lawsuits involving a wide variety of claims, including fraud, breach of contract, and consumer rights violations. If you have been the victim of a corporate wrong, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about your legal rights and options. Class action lawsuits are a powerful tool that can level the playing field and help ensure that justice is served.

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