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New York City & Long Island Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyers

Do you feel you that you are being discriminated against at your job because you are pregnant, or because you are requesting or taking Family Medical Leave (FMLA)? Do you feel your career or advancement within your career is at stake because you’re a new or soon-to-be mother? It may be time to contact a Long Island and New York City Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer at Leeds Brown Law to fight and protect your employee rights as a pregnant women.

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Pregnant women have rights in the workplace and should know what they are. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (PDA) makes discrimination based on pregnancy a form of sex discrimination. Your employer must treat an employee who is pregnant exactly like any other employee entitled to accommodations.
In addition to Title VII, pregnant women are protected under other federal laws. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is also designed to guarantee that pregnant women receive the same treatment as other employees. For instance, the FMLA allows women to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave without fear of employer retaliation upon return.

Other New York State and New York City laws offer protection against pregnancy discrimination in the workplace as well. Reach out to a Leeds Brown Law Long Island and New York City Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer today to help you to understand your rights and protect your interests should you experience gender or pregnancy discrimination at work.

What is Pregnancy Discrimination?

Under federal law, New York State Law, and New York City Law, pregnancy discrimination exists when you, as an employee or job applicant, are treated differently because of your pregnancy or related conditions. Some examples of pregnancy discrimination may be:

  • An employer fires you because you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant
  • An employer fires you because you request or take FMLA or New York State Paid Family Leave
  • An employer demotes you because you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant
  • An employer refuses to give you a bonus, raise, or promotion that you’re entitled to
  • An employer denies your return to the same job after maternity leave
  • An employer harasses you because you are pregnant
  • An employer fails to make accommodations for medical issues related to your pregnancy
  • An employer treats you differently than others because you are pregnant
  • An employer refuses to hire you because you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant
  • An employer asks if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant during an interview process

New York Laws Continue to Protect Women from Pregnancy Discrimination

The Protect Women from Pregnancy Discrimination Bill reinforces New York State’s commitment to its female workforce. The bill specifically requires employers to perform a reasonable accommodation analysis and provide reasonable accommodations for pregnant employees. Employers have little-to-no basis on which to ignore this law’s requirements.

Reporting Pregnancy Discrimination

Pregnancy Discrimination

It’s important to note that not only is pregnancy discrimination unlawful, but it is also against the law for an employer to retaliate against you for reporting concerns of pregnancy discrimination. If you feel you are being discriminated against for being pregnant, you may want to consider reporting your concerns in written documentation to your employer or Human Resource department/representative. Your employer may remedy the issue. However, should they fail to remedy the issue, or worse, ignore it entirely, it may be time to take legal action to protect your career. It is also unlawful for an employer to take retaliatory action against you for asserting your rights.

Contact A Long Island and New York City Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer for a Free, Confidential Consultation

The Long Island and New York City Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyers at Leeds Brown Law, P.C., are ready to take your call. Our attorneys have handled thousands of cases of workplace discrimination. Workplace discrimination is one of our core focuses and we pride ourselves in the success we’ve achieved in combating both large and small employers who allow or foster this unlawful behavior.

We can help you recover compensation for your losses. You may be entitled to back-pay, money for emotional distress, and punitive damages. Contact us today via email or by phone at (212) 661-4370 or (516) 873-9550.