(800) 585-4658

New York Unpaid Internships Lawyers

Fighting for the Rights of Exploited Interns Nationwide

A man holding papers and smiling for the camera.

Have you worked as an unpaid intern in the financial industry, for a law firm or publishing company, in a film or television studio, or in any business? Were you promised the opportunity to “learn at the feet” of knowledgeable and experienced people in your chosen profession, an opportunity that you would gladly take without pay, because you believed it would give you invaluable exposure to how the industry or profession really worked? Did you find instead that you were little more than free labor, spending most of your time making coffee or copies, answering phones, or taking lunch orders…that you learned little and earned nothing?

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The U.S. Department of Labor has clear rules governing the legality of unpaid internships. Unfortunately, in today’s economy, where shareholder value and the bottom line take precedence over everything, companies have found a new way to improve profits—by promising educational opportunities to interns, but using them instead to replace paid employees. At Leeds Brown Law, we believe this is wrong, and will use our experience, knowledge, skill and resources to help you pursue compensation for your efforts.

At Leeds Brown Law, we bring more than 20 years of experience to people who have been wrongfully treated on the job, including unpaid interns and underpaid trainees. We are a nationally recognized leader in the area of employment law. We built our practice and reputation on a commitment to relentless advocacy provided with integrity and professionalism.

To schedule an appointment, contact our office online or call (516) 873-9550 or (212) 661-4370 (toll-free at 800-585-4658).

Our Representation of Exploited Interns and Trainees

We provide full-service legal counsel to individuals who have been financially exploited by employers, including:

  • College students, recent graduates and others who have been offered an internship with the promise of educational and vocational benefits, only to end up performing menial tasks for no pay
  • Workers who have been hired as “trainees,” working extensive hours at less than minimum wage, often with quotas to meet that may make them “eligible for permanent employment”

In our fight to end the exploitation of unpaid interns and underpaid trainees, we have joined forces with the law firm of Virginia and Ambinder, of New York City. Together, our firms have more than 15 attorneys working on unpaid internship claims. Class actions have already been filed on behalf of unpaid interns, and we are currently gathering evidence and information to prepare and initiate additional class action litigation. We are available to serve as co-counsel in lawsuits involving unpaid interns or trainees nationwide.

You may have a right to compensation for time spent as an unpaid intern. To learn more about your rights, call us at (516) 873-9550 or (212)661-4370 (toll-free at 800-585-4658), or contact us by e-mail.